Looking for Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizing Wipes? Go Natural!

The best alcohol free hand sanitizer wipe is one that you can use without worrying about whether or not it’s effective. If you are looking for a natural alternative to alcohol based hand sanitizer wipes, then you have come to the right place!

While alcohol based hand sanitizer wipes are good for keeping your hands clean when washing them with soap and water isn't possible or practical, they also contain chemicals like ethyl alcohol (also known as ethanol) which can dry out your skin, cause irritation, and even damage your liver if used too often. 

So is there an option for keeping the germs away that doesn’t include alcohol? Absolutely! Here’s what you need to know.

Are Alcohol Free Antibacterial Wipes Effective?


In fact, they work so well that they've been scientifically proven to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. The best alcohol free hand sanitizing option is not a spray or liquid; rather, it’s a wipe, which helps dislodge dirt, grime, and germs from your skin. 

So, where can you find these alcohol free wipes? Look no further than Box Naturals. We offer several alcohol free hand sanitizer wipe options, including Rose, Lavender and the unscented Cucumber + Witch Hazel.

alcohol free hand wipes

Why Choose an Alternative?

If you want to avoid using alcohol based hand sanitizer wipes because it's drying out your hands, then you should consider going natural instead. There are many different options available for those who are looking for an alcohol free alternative to alcohol based hand cleaning wipes, including those from Box Naturals. Why else should you use alcohol free hand wipes?

Consider these 11 reasons:

 1. They don't leave behind any residue after being applied to the skin. This means that there will be no sticky feeling left on your hands afterwards.

2. They won't irritate your skin. Many alcohol based hand sanitizers contain ingredients that can cause irritation such as benzalkonium chloride.

3. They’re safe to use on even your most sensitive areas. Alcohol based wipes can be irritating for even your tough skin, but should absolutely never be used on thin, sensitive skin areas. At Box Naturals, with our pure and simple ingredients, you can use our alcohol free sanitizing wipes on even your most sensitive skin.

4. They're easy to apply. All you need to do is rub the wipes in between your fingers and thumbs for a thorough hand sanitizing.

5. They're environmentally friendly. At Box Naturals, our wipes are made from all-natural ingredients and are biodegradable.

6. They're safe for babies and children. Most of these products are organic and unnecessary ingredient-free.

7. They're easier to carry around. At Box Naturals, all of our wipes come individually wrapped, which means you can easily carry them when you’re on the go.

8. They're more convenient. You can just grab one whenever you need it without carrying around a large tub of wipes.

9. They're better for your health. Some people may experience headaches or dizziness after using alcohol based hand sanitizer wipes, but not with alcohol free hand wipes.

10. They're safer to use around pets. You don’t have to worry about your pet getting sick after coming into contact with alcohol based hand sanitizing solution.

11. They’re safe to use on even your most sensitive areas. Alcohol based wipes can be irritating for even your tough skin, but should absolutely never be used on thin, sensitive skin areas.

Go Natural!

At Box Naturals, we believe in natural and safe ways to keep clean. We list all of our ingredients on our site, including the moisturizing and pH balancing ingredients. This means our alcohol free hand sanitizer wipes are great to use on any part of your body that needs freshening up and sanitizing. We have the all natural alcohol free wipes you’re looking for.